Thursday, November 19, 2009

Not Another Stuffed Animal!

Over the years, our girls have taken in many, many stuffed animals. Hailey has given each a name and personality so parting with them is very difficult. When birthdays and holidays approach, we are asked, "What would be a gift that Olivia would enjoy?". Sometimes it is even difficult for us to think of things as the little things are what bring her the most joy. Livy does have her few favorite stuffed animals, especially the very soft ones we use to prop her in certain positions, or the ones that light up and make music.

I've asked my friends what their children with special needs have received for gifts and they too say...stuffed animals. I completely understand why and not knowing any differently, I would give stuffed animals as well. So the question remains, what does one buy for a gift for a child with special needs? There are some great options out there and I've included some links below:

Seedlings Braille Books for Children is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing high-quality, low-cost children's books in Braille. What makes many of these great is that they are touch and feel books so they create a wonderful tactile experience.

Another company, Abilitations, brings fun and function together with great adaptive toys.

And a personal favorite, a catalog put out by Toys "R" Us called Differently-Abled Kids

And then for all of you who are harboring a jungle of stuffed animals, there are some great places to donate them to as well:

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